#bashar al asad
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বাশার আল-আসাদ রাশিয়ায়! গোপন পরিকল্পনা? Bashar al-Assad | Moscow Russia |...
বাশার আল-আসাদ রাশিয়ায়! গোপন পরিকল্পনা? Bashar al-Assad | Moscow Russia | Syria
মাত্র ১২ দিনের বিদ্রোহে সিরিয়ার স্বৈরশাসক বাশার আল-আসাদের পতন ঘটল। দুই দশক ধরে ক্ষমতায় থাকা এই নেতার শাসনামল কিভাবে গণতান্ত্রিক আন্দোলন থেকে গৃহযুদ্ধের দিকে এগোল, আর শেষমেশ তাকে পরিবারসহ পালিয়ে মস্কোতে আশ্রয় নিতে বাধ্য করল, তা জানুন এই ভিডিওতে।
বাশার আল-আসাদ, যিনি তার পিতা হাফেজ আল-আসাদের উত্তরাধিকার হিসেবে ক্ষমতায় এসেছিলেন, একসময় সিরিয়ার একচ্ছত্র শাসক ছিলেন। কিন্তু গণতন্ত্রপন্থি আন্দোলন এবং গৃহযুদ্ধের তীব্র চাপে তার শাসন ধসে পড়ে। রাসায়নিক অস্ত্র ব্যবহারের অভিযোগ, স্বৈরাচারী দমননীতি, এবং আন্তর্জাতিক নিন্��ার মুখে শেষ পর্যন্ত তাকে দেশ ছেড়ে পালাতে হয়।
রাশিয়ার রাজধানী মস্কোতে তার গোপন আশ্রয় নেওয়া এখন বিশ্ব রাজনীতিতে আলোচনার কেন্দ্রে। কেন রাশিয়া তাকে আশ্রয় দিল? আসলে কী ঘটেছিল সেই ১২ দিনের বিদ্রোহে? তার ভবিষ্যৎ কি শুধুই শরণার্থীর জীবন, নাকি তিনি আবার রাজনীতিতে ফিরে আসবেন?
এই ভিডিওতে আমরা জানাবো:
বাশার আল-আসাদের ক্ষমতায় আসার ইতিহাস গণতন্ত্রের দাবিতে শুরু হওয়া আন্দোলন ও তার ভয়াবহ দমন গৃহযুদ্ধের সূচনা এবং এর পেছনের কারণ রাসায়নিক অস্ত্রের ব্যবহার নিয়ে বিতর্ক বিদ্রোহীদের তীব্র প্রতিরোধ এবং সরকারের পতন রাশিয়ায় রাজনৈতিক আশ্রয় গ্রহণের পেছনের কারণ ও সম্ভাব্য প্রভাব
ভিডিওটি দেখলে আপনি পাবেন: 👉 সিরিয়ার গৃহযুদ্ধ এবং আসাদের শাসনামলের পূর্ণ বিশ্লেষণ। 👉 বিশ্ব রাজনীতিতে আসাদের অবস্থানের ভবিষ্যৎ। 👉 সিরিয়ার জনগণের সংগ্রামের এক অনন্য দলিল।
কেন এই ভিডিওটি দেখা প্রয়োজন? এই ভিডিওটি শুধু সিরিয়ার গৃহযুদ্ধ নয়, বরং একজন স্বৈরশাসকের উত্থান-পতনের পূর্ণ চিত্র তুলে ধরবে। এটি আপনাকে সিরিয়ার বর্তমান অবস্থা, আন্তর্জাতিক রাজনীতিতে রাশিয়ার ভূমিকা, এবং আসাদের ভবিষ্যৎ সম্পর্কে গভীর ধারণা দেবে।
কল টু অ্যাকশন (Call to Action): ✅ আমাদের চ্যানেল সাবস্ক্রাইব করুন সিরিয়া ও বিশ্ব রাজনীতির আরও এমন তথ্যবহুল এবং রহস্যময় ভিডিও পেতে। ✅ লাইক, শেয়ার এবং মন্তব্য করুন, আপনার মতামত জানাতে ভুলবেন না।
সিরিয়া গৃহযুদ্ধ, বাশার আল-আসাদ, মস্কোতে আশ্রয়, সিরিয়া বিদ্রোহ, গণতন্ত্র আন্দোলন, রাসায়নিক অস্ত্র, সিরিয়া ইতিহাস, বাশার আল-আসাদের জীবন, রাশিয়ার রাজনীতি, সিরিয়া বিপ্লব, সিরিয়ার বর্তমান অবস্থা
সিরিয়া গৃহযুদ্ধ, বাশার আল-আসাদ, মস্কোতে আশ্রয়, সিরিয়া বিদ্রোহ, গণতন্ত্র আন্দোলন, রাসায়নিক অস্ত্র, সিরিয়ার ইতিহাস, সিরিয়ার বর্তমান অবস্থা, সিরিয়া বিপ্লব, রাশিয়ার রাজনৈতিক আশ্রয়, স্বৈরশাসক বাশার, সিরিয়ার জনগণের সংগ্রাম, আসাদের পতন, বিদ্রোহীদের জয়, সিরিয়ার রাজনীতি, রাশিয়া সিরিয়া সম্পর্ক, বাশার আল-আসাদের জীবন, মস্কোতে আসাদ পরিবার, গৃহযুদ্ধের ইতিহাস, মধ্যপ্রাচ্যের রাজনীতি, Syria Civil War, Bashar al-Assad, Moscow Asylum, Syria Rebellion, Democracy Movement, Chemical Weapons, Syria History, Syria Current Situation, Syria Revolution, Russia Political Asylum, Dictator Bashar, Syrian People's Struggle, Assad's Fall, Rebel Victory, Syria Politics, Russia Syria Relations, Bashar al-Assad Life, Assad Family Moscow, Civil War History, Middle East Politics
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El yihadismo ha vuelto a Siria de la mano del grupo islamista Organismo de Liberación del Levante, derrocando bélicamente al dictador Bashar Al Asad, cuyo conglomerado familiar lleva gobernando Siria desde el año 1971, aliado de Rusia e Irán que, en un paseo militar, ha conquistado Alepo y Damasco en solo doce días. Rusia e Irán están más pendientes del problema de Ucrania que del resto de…
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Insurgentes sirios entraron en Damasco y reportan que el presidente Bashar Al Asad abandonó el país
Damasco (EFE).- Los insurgentes sirios, que hace apenas once días iniciaron una ofensiva contra el gobierno sirio, anunciaron su entrada en Damasco en la madrugada de este domingo, y declararon la ciudad “libre” de Bashar al Asad, entre informes de que el presidente habría abandonado el país en un avión “especial” sin destino conocido. El Mando de Operaciones Militares de la coalición de grupos…
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El "matadero" de Al Asad: el horror de la prisión de Sednaya
La prisión militar siria al norte de Damasco representa uno de los capítulos más oscuros de la tortura y la matanza de Estado. Los presos liberados parecen fantasmas de sí mismos. Familiares buscan pistas sobre presos en la cárcel de Sednaya (10 de diciembre de 2024).Imagen: Asaad al-Asaad/UPI Photo/picture allianc En un intento por explicar el indescriptible horror, los antiguos presos han…
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due to the backlog of requests to share palestinian fundraisers i've received in the last few days, I'm creating another compilation post!! if you could choose one or two of them and donate even a small amount, it would be much appreciated!! if not, please share!!
please keep in mind that I'm not authorised to verify any fundraisers!!
verified fundraisers:
Alaa Al Khateeb | @alaakh2025 | GFM link | £28,693 raised of £56,000 goal | No. 99 on el-shab-hussein/nabulsi’s sheet
Osama Basil | @osamabasilps | GFM link | €2,627 raised of €15,000 goal | vetted by association, #90 on this list by gazagfmboost
Aseel Asad | @aseelo680 | GFM link | $21,650 USD raised of $50,000 goal | shared by ghost-90 and shared by nabulsi
Ahmed Halas | @ahmedhells-blog | GFM link | €14,895 raised of €80,000 goal | vetted by 90-ghost
Amal's Family | @familygazaamal | GFM link | $522 USD raised of $30,000 goal | vetted by association
Bashar Osama Al-Habil | @basharal-habil | GFM link | €310 raised of €50,000 goal | vetted by association
Mohammed Zaqout | @springbutterfly37 | GFM link | $1,360 USD raised of $45,000 goal | vetted by association
Ahmed Al-Habil | @ahmedomer9 | GFM link | €2,636 raised of €50,000 goal | vetted by association
Anas Al Burri | @anasfamilys | GFM link | €2,262 raised of €50,000 goal | #25 on PaliLiberation's list
Fatima Alanqar | @fatma-anqer | GFM link | €6,187 raised of €20,000 goal | shared by 90-ghost
Nadine Ismail Rajab | @nadoosha-sd | GFM link | $545 USD raised of $25,000 target | vetted by 90-ghost
Falestine's Family | @falestine-yousef | GFM link | $19,888 USD raised of $40,000 goal | shared by 90-ghost
Ashraf Alanqar | @ashraf-baker5 | GFM link | €21,695 raised of €25,000 goal | vetted by 90-ghost
Hashem's Family | @hashem19798 | GFM link | $981 USD raised of $60,000 goal | shared by 90-ghost
Sahar Zaqout | @a-ss-123 | GFM link | £925 raised of £55,000 target | vetted by association
Doaa Jadalhaq | @dodoomar12345 | GFM link | kr188,919 SEK raised of kr300,000 goal | shared by 90-ghost
Safaa's Family | @safaa18mero | GFM link | $13,894 USD raised of $75,000 goal | shared by 90-ghost
Mohammed Hijazi | @save-amal-family | GFM link | €24,470 raised of €30,000 goal | vetted by association
Israa Al-Tawel | @naseer-gaza1 | GFM link | £1,485 raised of £20,000 goal | vetted by association
Wafaa's Family | @ahmed79ss | GFM link | $11,965 CAD raised of $50,000 goal | vetted here by 90-ghost and by association
unverified fundraisers:
Monis Hammad | @mons-family | GFM link | $15 USD raised of $41,300 goal | clean reverse image search, protected donations
Nada Al-Farra | @dodiahmed123 | GFM link | €1,113 raised of €20,000 goal | clean reverse image search, protected donations
Muhammad's Family | @zakariafamily | GFM link | €180 raised of €20,000 goal | clean reverse image search, protected donations
Mohammed Altarabeen | @tarbeen-family-2 | P*ypal link | €441 raised of €500 | clean reverse image search
Osama Al-Anqar | @osama-family | GFM link | £2,706 raised of £50,000 goal | clean reverse image search, protected donations
Mohamed Ibrahim | @mohmad77 | GFM link | €3,159 raised of €80,000 goal | clean reverse image search, protected donations
Bara' Al-Shurafa | @baraaalshrafa | GFM link | €132 raised of €50,000 target | clean reverse image search, protected donations
Hamdi Ayyad | @hamdiali112233 | GFM link | €677 raised of €25,000 target | clean reverse image search, protected donations
Hossam Al-Serr | @husamalserr | GFM link | €635 raised of €42,500 goal | clean reverse image search, protected donations, facebook link has 2+ years history
Montaha Basil Inshasy | @montahahamada | GFM link | €325 raised of €60,000 goal | clean reverse image search, protected donations
Samah Hijazi | @savesmahfamily | GFM link | €317 raised of €50,000 target | clean reverse image search, protected donations
#signal boost#gaza#palestine#palestine gfm#palestine aid#free palestine#vetted fundraisers#if there's any mistakes with the links please let me know!!
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Are westerners familiar with Bashar al Asad and Zin Abidin Ben Ali as much as they are familiar with Saddam Husein ?
No , because even though Bashar and Ben Ali are dictators torturing their own people, they're not much of a threat to the westerners' colonial goals .
Unlike Saddam Husein, who wanted to unite Arabs and create a common currency for them and who had beem making progress in that regard .
He invested in his country's education as well as other Arab countries by sending them aid in a way that was very limiting the the brain drain .
That's the real reason he was killed , these are some of the real reasons for the American ( against Iraq) war was waged .
Not because of democracy, not because of " nuclear weapons " ( that weren't even there)
It was because of riches and power .
#free gaza#free palestine#israel palestine conflict#white phosphorus#hamas are freedom fighters not terrorists#operation iraqi freedom#iraq war#العراق#don't forget#usa#murica#uncle sam#america#politically correct#political ideologies
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What do you think of bashar al asad and his regaining of power?
Terrible for Syrians, moot to Israel, except as further proof that the Golan Heights must remain Israeli forever.
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Crescent International
On December 8, 2024, the modern state of Syria unofficially ended. A motley coalition of rebels, mercenaries, and terrorists in the pay of foreign powers—including Turkey, the US, “Israel,” and various Gulf sheikhdoms—triumphantly entered Damascus. Syrian president Bashar al-Asad fled to Moscow, while the zionist entity set about destroying Syria’s military installations and equipment as it invaded and occupied even more Syrian territory in addition to the already-occupied Golan Heights.
Syria is now split into three occupation zones: The zionist-controlled south, Turkey’s northwest, and a US-controlled northeast boasting most of Syria’s farmland and energy resources. Since the US and its Kurdish proxies are puppets of the zionist entity, that means that “Israel” now controls most of Syria. Those who collaborated in Syria’s destruction and subsequent carve-up are traitors to the Islamic Ummah and its Arab sub-nation, and de facto agents of the zionist Dajjal.
Turkey, whose puppet mercenaries Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham headed the coalition that took Damascus, has done nothing to stop the zionist genocide of Gaza. On the contrary, Ankara has been supplying the zionists with the oil they need to annihilate Gaza and Gazans, despite the fake trade embargo imposed last May.
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সিরিয়ার প্রেসিডেন্ট আসাদ পতনের মাস্টারমাইন্ড কে এই জোলানি? আলোচনা তুঙ্গে...
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'LA RED FANTASMA' de Jonathan Millet / La venganza de un refugiado sirio tras las torturas del régimen de Al Asad (Estreno 7 de febrero de 2025)
‘LA RED FANTASMA’ de Jonathan Millet / La venganza de un refugiado sirio tras las torturas del régimen de Al Asad (Estreno 7 de febrero de 2025) Inspirada en la historia real de la célula de espías formada por refugiados sirios que persigue a los dirigentes del régimen de Bashar al Asad escondidos por Europa. El thriller de Jonathan Millet fue la apertura de la Semana de la Crítica de Cannes y…
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Assad’s critically ill wife barred from UK for cancer treatment
The wife of former Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, Asma Assad, who is battling leukaemia, is unable to return to the UK, where she was born, to continue her treatment there.
According to The Times, her British passport expired in 2020, presenting an obstacle to Asad’s return to London. It is unclear whether British authorities prevented her from renewing the document or whether she herself allowed it to expire. The woman also holds Syrian citizenship.
Sources in the British foreign ministry confirmed to the newspaper that the former first lady of Syria does not have a valid passport of the kingdom. In addition, the head of the department, Yvette Cooper, is not going to allow her to enter the United Kingdom because of Assad’s health problems, the interlocutors told the newspaper.
Asma Asad (maiden name Asma Fawaz al-Akhras) was born in London in 1975 in a family of emigrants from the Syrian city of Homs. Her father is a cardiologist (according to The Times, he quit the clinic in London where he worked to personally oversee his daughter’s treatment) and her mother is a diplomat. Asma graduated from King’s College London. She left for Syria in 2000, the same year her wedding to Bashar al-Assad took place.
In 2019, the former first lady was cured of breast cancer, but in May this year she was diagnosed with acute myeloid leukaemia. She was first treated in the UAE and then in Russia, according to The Times. The Financial Times reported that Asma al-Assad arrived in Moscow a few weeks before her husband arrived there after his ouster on December 8. Bashar al-Assad has been granted asylum in Russia.
Asma al-Assad’s parents and her children by the former Syrian president, 23-year-old Hafez, 21-year-old Zein and 19-year-old Karim, are also in the Russian capital.
On December 25, The Telegraph reported that doctors treating Assad estimated her chances of survival as 50/50. One of the newspaper’s sources stated that “Asma is dying.” According to the newspaper, the former president’s wife has been isolated to avoid transmitting infectious diseases to her.
Read more HERE
#world news#news#world politics#europe#european news#uk#uk politics#uk news#syria#syria news#syria civil war#syria crisis#syria conflict#assad regime#bashar al assad#assad#asma al assad#asma assad#russia#russia news#russian politics#cancer#healthcare
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Quién manda ahora en el ISIS, en qué países está atentando y por qué Rusia es su objetivo
Los terroristas de Moscú formarína parte del ISIS-K, una rama activa en Afganistán, Pakistán e Irán. Los ataques aéreos rusos en favor de Al Asad contra posiciones del ISIS cambiaron el curso de la guerra civil siria. Así es el ISIS-K, la rama afgana y más brutal del Estado Islámico que están detrás del atentado en Rusia. Alerta terrorista en España: cuántos niveles hay y qué riesgo existe…
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#20 minutos.es#Afganistan#Aliado de Bashar Al Asad#Aliado de Siria#Iran#ISIS#ISIS K#Lider#Objetivos#Pakistan#Putin#Rama activa
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Ukraine and Syria explore restoration of diplomatic ties amid strategic discussions
During a visit to Damascus, Ukraine's Foreign Minister Andriy Sybiha held high-level talks with Syria's de facto leader Ahmad al-Sharaa. The diplomatic dialogue also extended to meetings with Prime Minister Mohamed al-Bashir and Syria's Foreign Minister Asad Hasan al-Sheybani, as reported by RBC-Ukraine.
Ukraine expressed its interest in re-establishing diplomatic ties contingent upon the new Syrian regime's respect for international law and Ukraine's territorial integrity. Sybiha emphasized that restoring these ties could catalyze trade, scientific collaboration, and cultural exchanges, as well as revive Syrian student enrollment in Ukrainian universities. Diplomatic relations were severed after Bashar al-Assad's regime recognized the annexation of Crimea and the occupation of Ukrainian territories.
Sybiha also underscored Ukraine’s willingness to provide humanitarian aid to Syria, including sending 500 tons of Ukrainian flour as part of the "Grain from Ukraine" program. Over 20 food trucks are expected to arrive in Syria in the coming days. The presence of Ukraine's agricultural minister Vitaliy Koval in the delegation underscores Kyiv’s serious intent on fostering cooperation.
A key discussion point was bringing war criminals to justice. Ukraine offered to share its expertise in gathering evidence and investigating war crimes. Sybiha commented that both nations have suffered under criminal regimes, and this shared experience could lay the groundwork for judicial collaboration.
Previously, Ahmad al-Sharaa mentioned that the first elections following the fall of former President Bashar al-Assad's regime could take up to four years to organize, with a national census being a prerequisite for the electoral process.
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Relatives of Bashar al-Assad arrested as they tried to leave Lebanon: authorities - The National
Reduce the font size of the article. Increase the font size of the article. Wife and daughter of deposed Syrian president Bashar Assad His cousins were arrested Friday at Beirut airport, where they allegedly tried to leave with fake passports, Lebanese judicial and security officials said. Asad's uncle left a day ago. Rasha Khazeem, wife of Doreed Assad, son of former Syrian Vice President…
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